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In June 2006, a new Working Group on ALARA Training has been set up at the request of the ENETRAP (European Network on Education and Training in RAdiological Protection) research project to provide the European Commission with the input of the EAN on what is needed at the European level as training material for improving the ALARA culture among concerned stakeholders within member and candidate states.
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The 19th issue of the EAN Newsletter has now been published and can be downloaded in the Newsletter section.
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In November 2005, the European ALARA Network has signed a Collaboration Convention with the ECRRT (European Committee of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists) to establish a partnership in order: - To exchange information of interest both on their activities and on the situation dealing with workers and patient exposure in Europe;
- To elaborate jointly a medical European ALARA sub network dealing with workers and patients exposure management;
- To set up joint working groups and (or) work panels when needed and possible
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Since July 2005, EAN has become a legal entity as a not for profit association under the French law (such legal entity does not exist at the international and European levels). CEPN holds chairmanship and treasury. HPA holds secretary.