In the first article of this 21st issue, L.E.Holm, chairman of ICRP, describes the ICRP's 2007 recommendations on radiological protection. Then, the conclusions and recommendations of the first EUTERP Workshop on "Minimal qualifications and requirement for recognition of Radiation Protection Experts and Officers" are presented. The third and fourth articles analyse two radiological incidents: the first one deals with the retrieval of a fire damaged gauge containing a radioactive source; the second one deals with an incident during treatment of a breast cancer.
Finally, the first announcement of the 11th EAN Workshop on "ALARA in Radioactive Waste Management" (Athens, Greece, 9-11 April 2008) is included.
Content- ICRP's 2007 recommendations on radiological protection
- Minimal qualifications and requirements for recognition of Radiation Protection Experts and Officers - Recommendations of the first EUTERP Workshop J. van der Steen
- Retrieval of a fire damaged gauge containing a radioactive source in Ireland - Incident case study n° 22 J. Duffy, J. Madden
- Analysis of a radiological incident during treatment of a breast cancer in Germany - Incident case study n° 23 U. Haeusler
- ALARA News
- First announcement of the 11th EAN Workshop on "ALARA in Radioactive Waste Management"
- The 20 EAN Contact Persons