In February 2008 the revised ICRP Recommendations for a System of Radiological Protection (Publication n° 103) were published, formally replacing the Commissions previous, 1990, Recommendations (see ALARA Newsletter No. 21). They reinforce the principle of optimisation of protection, which should be applicable in a similar way to all exposure situations, subject to restrictions on individual doses and risks: dose and risk constraints for planned exposure situations, and reference levels for emergency and existing exposure situations.
In that context, the present issue of the ALARA Newsletter illustrates how wide the scope of the optimisation of radiological protection is today.
To conclude, until scientific research provides unequivocal answers about the radiation effects at low doses and/or low dose rates (see Mundigls paper as an example for tritium), the optimisation of radiological protection will remain the only responsible approach to managing radiation exposures.
Contents of the Issue
- EAN 11th Workshop: "ALARA in Radioactive Waste Management" - Conclusions and Recommendations, P. Shaw (HPA, UK), P. Croüail (CEPN, France)
- High activity sources (HASS) in Italy and the implementation of the EU Directive, S. De Crescenzo, A. Anversa, G. Bertani (Public Health Department, Lombardia District, Italy)
- Patients doses from dental radiography in the UK - an analysis of HPA data, P.G. Ramsden (HPA, UK)
- Incident involving stainless steel sheets contaminated with cobalt 60 in Italy, Lieutenant Colonel R. Massi (Carabinieri Environmental Care Command, Italy)
- Dissemination and extension of radiological protection networking to new shapes and scopes, C. Lefaure (Independant expert, France)
- EU Scientific Seminar 2007: "Emerging issues on tritium and low energy beta emitters", S. Mundigl (European Commission)
- ALARA News
- 12th EAN Workshop - First announcement