Hartmut Schulz (IAF - Radioökologie GmbH, Germany), Astrid Schellenberger (IAF - Radioökologie GmbH, Germany), Sonja Schreurs (NuTeC - XIOS Hogeschool Limburg, Belgium), Wouter Schroyers (NuTeC - XIOS Hogeschool Limburg, Belgium)
The 4th EANNORM - Workshop, organised and hosted by NuTeC - XIOS Hogeschool Limburg in cooperation with IAF - Radioökologie GmbH, was held from 29th November to 1st December 2011 in Hasselt (Belgium). This workshop was dedicated to “Transportation of NORM, NORM Measurements and Strategies, Building Materials". 84 participants from 18 different European countries took part in the discussions and shared their experiences.
The scientific program included three main sessions with 30 presentations of about 30 minutes including ample time for discussion. In addition, an exhibition of companies offering radiation protection measurement devices and a demonstration of the intervention vehicle of SCK-CEN completed the scientific program.
Each daily session was finished with a round table discussion, initiated by a panel discussion on key questions. Participants belonged to international organisations, universities, research institutes, consulting companies, laboratories and NORM industries, and the discussions reflected the different points of view and the different approaches to dealing with NORM.
The main conclusions of the 4th EANNORM Round Table Workshop on “Transportation of NORM, NORM Measurements and Strategies, Building Materials" were:
- There is a need for harmonisation of the BSS and ADR.
- There is a need for new specific technical documents regarding the transport of NORM. The publication “Vervoer van radioactieve stiffen over de weg in Nederland en België” of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Stralingshygiëne could be a basis for such a document.
- The implementation of information on the radiological characterisation of residues/waste within the European waste catalogue (codes) would be desirable.
- The dose assessment depends on the regulations of each country and the responsibility of the Radiation Protection officers.
- There are diverse approaches concerning the evaluation of data: E.g. the comparison with reference levels, taking into account the background level, and criteria for the representativity of measurements.
- The long and diverse discussions on Radon in building materials with respect to the BSS showed that there is a need for more practical/technical support and data for this topic.
The scientific program, presentations and some reflections on the round table discussions of the 4th EANNORM Round Table Workshop on "Transportation of NORM, NORM Measurements and Strategies, Building Materials" are available for download at the EANNORM web-page www.ean-norm.net.
The organisation of this workshop was financially supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF-EFRO) and the Flemish government.
The present state and the future of the EANNORM have been a subject of lively discussions. The participants agreed on the advantage of having a well-working network and yearly workshops. Therefore, the 5th EANNORM workshop will be held from December 4th to 6th 2012 in Dresden. The main topic will be “Measurement strategies in NORM”. The respective first announcement will be released end of February at EANNORM website.